

Revolutionizing Electric Grid Maintenance: Gomero's Integration of IoT and AI for Enhanced Reliability


Electrical grid companies work hard to meet the high standards of sustainability, security, and economics in the market. By using Gomero’s established and secure Infrastructure, along with cellular connectivity from Com4, more than 100 companies in 9 countries collect and analyze vast amounts of real-time data to make maintenance smarter.

About Gomero

Gomero Group AB provides electrical grid companies with the opportunity for remote and
real-time monitoring of critical assets in substations, including transformer bunds. The
Gothenburg-based company is the market leader in Sweden, and also has customers in nine
countries, and works with customers such as Ellevio, Vattenfall, Lede Energi, Fingrid,
Deutsche Bahn, and SA Power Networks.


Electrical grid companies need to provide exceptional reliability. Public infrastructure, private companies as well as private households need and demand continuous power supply. So, in
order to secure this always-on stream of electricity, it is crucial that electricity grid companies utilize innovative strategies and invest in technology that can anticipate, prevent, and automate maintenance work.


With the SIPP solution range, Gomero makes it easy to modernize and start the journey
towards predictive maintenance. In short, maintain when necessary, not in predetermined
intervals. Key components are connected sensors, analytics, and artificial intelligence. SIPP
solutions assess and manage critical assets. To monitor assets, grid operators leverage
real-time, data driven insights and traceability. This real-time data flow is powered by Com4
mobile IoT connectivity. The management portal provides Gomero with a complete overview,
including insights into data usage and services.




Gomeros´SaaS-based process support, IoT, and increased digitization enable efficient work with autonomous, connected devices. For customers, this means increased operational reliability, reduced costs, and better opportunities to work with demand-driven maintenance.
It also creates better conditions for increased electrification and effective environmental and sustainability efforts. The SIPP solutions also make sure that the transformer bunds are environmentally safe – with no oil or chemical spills. Gomero has already secured over 6,000 transformer bunds for more than 100 customers in 9 countries. Com4 supports this journey by providing seamless global coverage. Gomero gets a secure solution, with predictable costs. Com4 is also an important partner when Gomero is entering new countries/markets, providing attractive global terms, as well as compliance with relevant regulatory requirements.

Secured Collected Asset Data
76 M+
Prevented Oil Spills
6300 +
Reduced Co2 Emissions
56 t+
Avoided Site Visits
6700 +
"Com4 enables a reliable and efficient connection at all our customers’ stations. It is of the utmost importance for us to have a supplier who can guarantee that our communication works smoothly and reliably in all nine countries where we operate."

Start your journey today

Future-proof your IoT infrastructure with our cutting-edge solutions. Com4 is your True Partner for IoT Connectivity